Friday, August 15, 2008

very busy SCHOOL starts soon

Artwork by Jim Warren called MAKING FRIENDS I think everyone needs a fairy for a friend

Sorry it has been awhile but our house is in turmoil, every buddy is going all different directions
Court get ready to go back to Uof I to an apartment that his being riped apart because of mold.
Matt is going off to the city to UIC for his freshman year he will be studying computer engineering and running track for them.
Justin is also off to a new school, Middle School but still that is a big deal to him. A whole new routine. and very early bus. if he takes the bus we will see.
then Tori I don't think she like be at school by herself with no sibling. well have to go I am working on a card for my next card swap. waiting on one more stamp to finish it off
talk later.

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